A study and reflection of the Metroid series in a Video Game and Culture class.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Prime Time

The much anticipated release of Metroid: Prime for the Gamecube brought Samus Aran into a whole new dimension, literally. Prime was a first-person Metroid adventure, casting aside the traditional side-scrolling epics and focusing on some immersed gameplay from behind her visor. Retro Studios did a great job with this game, having nostalgia mixed with novel gameplay to create a great Metroid game. The graphics were even revered as the best for the generation of gaming, and it came out immediately with the release of the gamecube.
The idea to keep the morph ball experience third-person was necessary and was executed flawlessly. The whole game felt just like an older Metroid game, which is very important to the fans of the Metroid series.

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