A study and reflection of the Metroid series in a Video Game and Culture class.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Controversies in Metroid: Other M

The adventure of Metroid: Other M takes you through a derelict space station (big surprise there) and has you following the orders of a former Commanding Officer named Adam Malkovich. Unlike every other Metroid game where you collect all your power-ups, you must be told by Adam that you are allowed to use them.
This has stirred a bees-nest of controversy on many levels. First, Metroid fanatics were appalled to be stripped of their ability to find all the power-ups as they go, and are forced to wait for permission to get them. Mostly, people were pissed because Adam usually decides to let you suffer in an area where you need the ability before allowing you to use it...
Second, there was this whole attack on the developers for degrading Smaus to something like a house wife, where she needs permission from the dominate male in the game in order to be powerful. I see the argument here, and wonder if the developers were thinking of the social criticism when creating this title. It was produced in America, and as a nation, we are rather aware of women's rights.

Thanks Adam, i think we get it...

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