A study and reflection of the Metroid series in a Video Game and Culture class.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Death in Super Metroid

Now for super Metroid, which took death in a different direction. Utilizing better graphics and effects, Super Metroid decided to remind us that Samus was a woman when she lost all her energy. If you were just starting the Metroid series, this may come as a surprise, as Samus' true gender is still veiled in confusion.
This more detailed death gave you a different feeling upon witnessing it. You almost felt bad, as she looked like she was in serious pain as her suit gets ripped off. It kind of makes you feel bad. One has to wonder if it is because she is a woman, or just because you have caused her death.
This is really how death should be in video games, you should feel something negative from ending the life of your on-screen character.

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