A study and reflection of the Metroid series in a Video Game and Culture class.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The story of Ridley

Before Metroid: Other M, the character of Ridley was rather shrouded in mystery. In other M, the whole mystery of Ridley comes into light. In the story of other M, you have just killed Ridley on Planet Zebes and report to this other station. Here you continue to run into a weird creature, starting as a small white fluffy creature and it slowly becomes that fearsome dragon that we all fear at the end of the Metroid games. It's kind of nice to know they choose to develop these minor characters just as much as the main characters. This also makes the whole series make sense because we now know how there are several of this creature.

Wii Controls for Samus

The most recent games in the Metroid series: Other M, Corruption, and later Trilogy were released on the Wii console. These games let you take direct control of Samus' arm cannon and hands. In corruption, you can pilot your spaceship using the wii controls in both hands and operate computers and controls. Combat is at first awkward, but later it becomes much easier to change targets and fight effectively. Many of the interactions around the world are activated by motion controls to further immerse you in the experience.
Other M features just the remote, no nunchuck. The controls are super simple with just a few buttons and not much motion control. When you change to first-person controls, you take on controls like the Prime game.

The Face of the Legend

Samus' appearance has changed dramatically over her journey through the game systems. In her 16-bit days, she was a hidden character, but then revealed to be a ambiguous female with brown hair. She has changed from blonde to brunette a couple of times through the ages. In Metroid: Prime she was revealed as sort of homely brunette, then changed to a more cartoony blonde with a sideswept hairstyle. The GBA releases made her real "cutesy." Finally, Metroid: Other M has her pictured like the bottom picture above, with a kind of intense demeanor, while retaining her blonde, cartoony appearance.
You have to wonder if the appearance of Samus changes with the idea of attractiveness in culture. I'm sure the blonde cartoon-like variation was influenced by South-Asia culture. It is a mix of anime and their perception of beauty which stereotypes describe as a blonde American.

Prime Time

The much anticipated release of Metroid: Prime for the Gamecube brought Samus Aran into a whole new dimension, literally. Prime was a first-person Metroid adventure, casting aside the traditional side-scrolling epics and focusing on some immersed gameplay from behind her visor. Retro Studios did a great job with this game, having nostalgia mixed with novel gameplay to create a great Metroid game. The graphics were even revered as the best for the generation of gaming, and it came out immediately with the release of the gamecube.
The idea to keep the morph ball experience third-person was necessary and was executed flawlessly. The whole game felt just like an older Metroid game, which is very important to the fans of the Metroid series.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Controversies in Metroid: Other M

The adventure of Metroid: Other M takes you through a derelict space station (big surprise there) and has you following the orders of a former Commanding Officer named Adam Malkovich. Unlike every other Metroid game where you collect all your power-ups, you must be told by Adam that you are allowed to use them.
This has stirred a bees-nest of controversy on many levels. First, Metroid fanatics were appalled to be stripped of their ability to find all the power-ups as they go, and are forced to wait for permission to get them. Mostly, people were pissed because Adam usually decides to let you suffer in an area where you need the ability before allowing you to use it...
Second, there was this whole attack on the developers for degrading Smaus to something like a house wife, where she needs permission from the dominate male in the game in order to be powerful. I see the argument here, and wonder if the developers were thinking of the social criticism when creating this title. It was produced in America, and as a nation, we are rather aware of women's rights.

Thanks Adam, i think we get it...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Metroid Re-makes

The community behind the metroid series has recently evolved to include fans taking the Metroid game to as whole new level. Game making programs have allowed people to take the Metroid engine and create their own adventure. The most popular platform is the Super Metroid engine, where people make an entire 2hour+ game experience totally different from the original. Talented programmers will alter the game code and physics, allowing for new abilities and dynamics. A popular download is Metroid Impossible, where unless you have an emulator and the best skills of the game, you will not make it.
The most recent big project in the making is a Metroid 2 remake by DoctorM64. He is taking the game which arguably was the worst in Metroid history, and giving it new life. Using the complicated Zero Mission engine, he is custom building the graphics and sprite, as well as abilities and physics. The entire game is being re-created from scratch yo enhance the image of the original title. It is a very promising project.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The first deal in Metroid world?

The three Metroid: Prime games were all combined into one disk in 2010. Spanning two different consoles and entirely different control schemes, Metroid: Prime Trilogy offered all the prime games at the price of one brand new game. It also incorporated the wii-motion controls to the dated, Gamecube games. So, technically, it improved upon the older games and offered them in a different style.